Pediatric Chiropractic

When many people think about chiropractic, they often don’t picture children as the recipients of care. When we understand that the nervous system is responsible for our experience, perception, and expression of life, and that chiropractic care helps remove interference in nervous system communication, it becomes clear how chiropractic care can benefit people of all ages- from before birth, onward!

Our intrauterine environment, birth process, and early life experiences all influence our development, I aim to create supportive, healing pre- and postnatal environments for the families in my care. While I hope that all of us have easy entries to our human experience, pregnancy and the birth process are labors of love on both ends. Baby’s position in the uterus, and the effort necessary for the birth process can sometimes create patterns of tension in their bodies. This is especially possible if mom had trauma or tension during pregnancy, labor was complicated, or if outside interventions were necessary during or after birth. 

Whether it’s easing a baby’s transition from the womb to the outside world with gentle touch, helping their sensory systems make better sense of the world around them by removing nervous system interference, helping families understand their children’s subtle communication, or just providing a safe space for them to express themselves and be heard, I am happy to help as I can. Many families discover chiropractic as a last attempt to help their child heal from common childhood symptoms like colic, ear infections, constipation, breast feeding difficulties, latching issues, bedwetting, sensory disorders, or sleep disturbances, but there need not be a symptom to benefit from thoughtful chiropractic care.

Chiropractic adjustments are age appropriate. The touch used to guide a baby’s body back to balance is about the pressure used to check the ripeness of a tomato. Many babies will sleep through their visits, and 

I enjoy working with children and appreciate the energy they bring into a room. They look at the world uniquely, live presently, express themselves truly, move their bodies as they were designed to be used, and do all of this effortlessly until the world at large interferes. And they’re generally not afraid to laugh at themselves! If there’s some way I can help preserve that natural expression of life, then I consider my contribution to life on Earth a successful one. 

I look forward to connecting with your family, and consider working with its smallest members the ultimate gift!