What is Chiropractic?

Many people associate chiropractors with back pain. While it’s true that chiropractic care can help restore normal spinal movement and alleviate discomfort, chiropractic’s healing influence goes far beyond physical symptom relief.

Chiropractic honors the innate intelligence within all of us- the force within us that orchestrates the union of two cells into a fully-developed human and continues to maintain your health as you move through life. Chiropractic care is aimed at preserving and restoring the flow of this vital life force so that your greatest health can be actualized. 

We evaluate the health of the spine because it houses the nervous system. Your nervous system is responsible for your perception, experience, and expression of life. It receives sensory messages from the world around you and within you. It coordinates the function of every cell of your body so that you adapt to your changing environment and maintain balance/ homeostasis/ health.

If the spinal joints lose their ability to move fully, called “subluxation” in chiropractic, nervous system communication may be interfered with resulting in decreased function, dis-ease, and potentially unwanted symptoms. I choose to use a variety of hands-on techniques (called “Diversified” technique in the chiropractic world) to restore motion to the spine and other joints, as well as the muscles and soft tissues of the body.

The health of the nervous system isn’t the only factor influencing our expression of life. The foods we consume, the chemicals we are exposed to, our environment, our mental stresses, our outlook on life, our connection to those around us, and our connection to something larger all have an effect on our state of being.

Although I have helped patients suffering with ear infections, colic, constipation, sensory disorders,  irritable bowels, headaches, sciatica, back pain, and many other ailments, I don’t focus on what “conditions can be healed” as it is the person, not the condition, that shifts in response to care. I want to create the state of greatest flow so that we respond with ease to everything 

I believe more than one correct answer exists for a question, and am happy to co-manage cases with other practitioners who support the best health of the patient!